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This site is that of the psychomotor therapist of English language or sympathizers of the OIPR (International organization of Psychomotricité and Relaxation).

Its principal goals are:

- Presentation of the OIPR and its delegations through the world,
- The promotion of the occupation of psychomotrician on the international plan
- Information on the demonstrations and the evolutions of the psychomotricity in the world (official laws, texts, great decisions, but also congress and trainings, demonstrations vocational or scientists)
- The comparison with the sites of the delegations of the OIPR in the world.

By these hyperlinks, this site makes it possible to be in relation to all the delegations, organizations accredited of the OIPR, to know the psychomotor current events of the countries concerned, to reach databases if necessary.

The International organization of Psychomotricity and Relaxation is a scientific international association of which the goals are, in connection with the organizations in national or international matter:

- to link the psychomotor therapist of all countries
- to contribute to the development of the trainings and the improvement of the professionals and specialists in the psychomotricity and relieving
- to promote the organization of the occupation of psychomotor therapist in the world
- to support the use of therapeutic psychomotor and research in order to better apprehend the interrelationships of motricity and psychism during the life of the individual.

The OIPR was born into 1979 from a reflection led to the Institute of higher learning from Psychomotor Rehabilitation in Paris. It is currently made up National Delegations and Accredited Organizations, in Europe, in North America and South and in the Middle East.

To meet the needs for initial training and continuous of the professionals concerned with the psychomotricity, the therapeutic relieving and body techniques, the OIPR set up, since 1982, several formations:

- the International Certificate in Sciences and Technology of Body (CISTC),
- International Master in Psychomotricité and Relaxation (IMP),
- the Summer school.

These formations are organized in each country represented within the OIPR, by the National Delegations and the Accredited Organizations.